Sunday 17 February 2008

Work MUST be at The Nunnery by Monday

All work needs to be at The Nunnery by the end of Monday in the week you are showing in order to successfully curate the exhibition.

For those who can't be there, that is ok, so long as the work is there. We will be transporting work by van on the Monday mornings each week. If you would like to put your work on the van, please leave it in the seminar space by 5pm on the previous Friday. Your work must be packed (so as not to be damaged, or damage other work) and labelled with your name.

Once the work has been situated at the Nunnery you can install it at your own convenience, or arrange for someone else to do it. We can stay as we want in the evenings.

If you have any problems, please talk to the Transport and Technical Committee.

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