Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Technical Equipment

Hi Group One

It's very important that people sort out equipment by Friday. After we received everyone's proforma's and told Jordan about the amount of equipment we needed he insisted that it was too much and so we had a meeting a few weeks ago in which many of you agreed to downscale on your needs. Several people also offered to lend their own equipment.

Despite many people agreeing to downscale it seems that we have more people needing equipment than what we have available. It's quite late in the day and the committees don't have time to sort this out so please could you all agree amoung yourselves what you are using and then e-mail to let us know.
We have:
2 Projectors
3 Monitors
3 DVD players
1 Camera

If anyone has any equipment that they can lend out then please e-mail the group saying what you have. If anyone has their own projector or any speakers or amplifiers then please let us know.

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