Sunday 17 February 2008

Important Meeting Wednesday 20th February 12pm


With the Interim show imminent, we would like to have a final meeting with everyone participating on Wednesday 20th February at 12 o'clock lunchtime in the MA studios (the seminar space if it is free). It will be a quick meeting, but is particularly important for those showing in the first week, and those using technical equipment.

I know that many part-time students can't come in on a Wednesday, but if you have any technical requirements, questions, contributions etc, please let us know.

Also, it is very important that all the work is in The Nunnery on the Monday of each week. This is because in order to curate the show successfully we (as a group) need to see all the work, in order to see how it works within the space, and next to other people's work. The exhibition will be terrible if half the works are just plonked in at the last minute with no consideration to how they relate to anything else.

Kind Regards

The Planning Committee

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