Thursday, 13 December 2007

Another show that Howard has curated

This is another show which Howard Dyke (a prospective curator) has co-curated with Ben Judd.


Thursday, 6 December 2007

Studio space overlays

Another idea Pippa and I had was taking a low-grade shot of each studio space in the block and superimposing them, so the resulting image showed a lot of activity but no particular identity (Approaches to what? etc.)

text-based image

hi everyone
I think this has already been suggested - we could use a text-based image like the example attached

Grace the Chinchilla

Hi everyone,
I got an email back from the chinchilla people-

Hi there,
Please find attached picture requested. Please feel free to edit out the writing at the bottom if needed.
I would be interested to read more about your Interim show at the end of February. If you do decide to go with my picture would you drop me an email to let me know?
Kind Regards
Michelle Williams

I think the image she has sent is bigger (324K) she seems very nice and would be willing to help us if we need anything else.


approaches to what?


there seems to be a profusion of non-chinchilla images, even though that's what everyone voted for last week. If we are still using the chinchilla idea then we should stick to this, if we are going to have another vote for the image then here is my suggestion, based on an image Chris posted. Simple, graphic, interesting, intriguing and relates to the idea of a 'show' without having unwanted meanings or possible weird connotation's

An external curator

I don't know who saw the last post I wrote about this, but I have a friend, Howard Dyke, who I think could be a good person to curate the interim show. He has curated a few group shows in the past, and the last one I went to was very good.
He has sent me a cv and a catalogue for "The Juddykes", a show he co-curated with Ben Judd last summer. I'll pin these up on the notice board for everyone to look at.
I can't make the meeting tomorrow lunch time, but let me know what you think, and maybe we could get him in to talk to us as a group.


a little less conversation.....


Hi everyone!
I emailed the Chinchilla people. No response yet but I will let you know if one turns up.


Wednesday, 5 December 2007


Okay there's naffness and of course it's rough: yet, also, geographically specific cultural appropriateness. And, y'know what Jeremy (nice Nunnery "invigilator") told me?: they're about to rename the road the Nunnery's situated on, from "Bow Road" to Olympic Boulevard"-You know what peops, we ain't "atmosphere", we is people, you get me? (Prizes for any recognition of cultural specificities- serious, guy). LOLLOVEYAXOXrespec

Planning Committee Meeting


Planning Committee - let's meet on Friday half an hour before the Critical Theory Lecture at 1.30pm in the MA Project Space to discuss what our committee needs to do for the interim show.

Pass this message on if you see other members.
All the best

a beautiful chinese air hostess

interim show image- tagged with 'interim' on flickr

would need to ask the flickr user permission though ! could work this way with any similiar tags. could be an interesting starting point to develop participation?

Food for thought

Just sending you a review of a group exhibition that I found in Time Out Magazine, it made me think about some mistakes we would like to avoid...

Monday, 3 December 2007

Committee members list

Hello Folks,

Here is the list of who's on which committee. Please feel free to add or remove your name at any time. And sorry in advance for any typo-s.

Planning Comm:

Louise Yeandle
Pippa Koszerek
Will Bradley
Othman Abdullah
Justine Blau
Ray Murphy

Technical and Transport Comm:

Adam Dix
Duane Moyle
Faye Peacock
Will Bradley
Chris Shaw
Louise Yeandle

Funding and Events Comm:

Corine Felgate
Chrisanthy Christofarou

Marketing and Press Comm:

Jamie Taylor
Clive Brandon
Elani Skoulia
Ben Tate
Catalina Garces

Website Comm:

Helen Jacobs
Rhea O'Neill
Neil Eakupong Rungruangkul
Ray Murphy

Friday, 30 November 2007

He's back...

A few more and then I'll bugger off

A few more images I've found. I like the construction site image the most and think it's relevant to our situation - something incomplete and in the planning stages. Chris (drawing)

More images for Approaches to What?

Some more images to play around with. Not very chinchilla-like, I'm afraid. Chris (drawing)

Images of Chinchillas! (In and out of cages)

Please find more images - the current chosen chinchilla image might be too low resolution for a poster (will let you know if a bigger file can be found) - a final vote next Friday 7th December.

Ben (Painting)

Thursday, 29 November 2007


I have a friend, Howard Dyke, who has curated other group shows in the past, who would like to curate our show. The last show I went to that he organised was really good, and like our show, had some very different work shown alongside each other, without looking wierd. I've asked him to send me some images, a cv, etc, so everyone can have a look at what he has done, and decide if we want to use him.

In terms of titles, I like Chris' idea. I also think we should think about something that can be used, or extended, for the MA show as well as the interrim show, if we are trying to createa "brand".


These was just an idea for a possible image. Hope it's useful. Somebody suggested Interim as a title although I started to think about alternative names which imply where we'll be in February. Maybe 'Halfway' is an apt description.

Clives ideas for images for Approaches to What?

Wednesday, 28 November 2007

a little odd?

I just thought i would add this to the mix!

Image/ Approaches to What?

To go with the proposed title Approaches to What? I found this image at which I think captures in pictorial form the essence of becoming. There's a documentary feel to the image which feels fresh and in the moment. There's a sense of movement too; of things being up in the air; of deliberation and purpose. What do you think? Chris (Drawing)

Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Approaches to what?

Hello. My proposal for a title is Approaches to What? There's a very interesting essay by Georges Perec (who according to Calvino is 'one of the most significant literary personalities in the world') entitled Approaches to What? I've scanned in his essay and hopefully you'll be able to read the text below. If not, then there's a photocopy next to the Critical Theory handout in the MA studios. I think it's suitable because we are all still very much in the process of figuring out what it is we want to make of our year at Wimbledon. Nothing is resolved, yet. Everything is a question. This title also encourages or challenges the participant viewer to make their own connections between the works. Chris (MA Drawing)

Monday, 26 November 2007

Image Idea

Just thought I'd add a different image option. It would obviously need a bit of work to get rid of the unwanted text.

I think an image and title completely unrelated to the course would be best.

Maybe the title should relate to whatever image we choose!? Although I havn't come up wih anything clever for this one yet!


Saturday, 24 November 2007


Hi all

My suggestion are...


The image is attached:

I propose that whatever title is chosen, it matches the domain name that we register. In this case it would be

I'm happy to help register a domain name - a .com address costs about £22 for 2 years - not bad. I'm also happy to help find a nice server to host it.

I'm also keen to help transform whichever is the chosen image into useable publicity as I have a background in graphic design and marketing. That pretty much puts me on the 'Press' commitee!

Ben (Painting)
I'm keen to be on invigilation. If no-one else has put themselves forward I'm happy to be
in charge and set up a timetable and get everyone signed up.

My relevant skills are:

Ability to make pleasant small talk to wide variety of people.
Ability to sit and stare at the walls for a long time without need for too much stimulation.
I worked as a housemaster at a boys boarding school for 4 years and developed a strong
angry voice good for frightening and apprehending those behaving inappropriately.
Ability to type names into time slot boxes.

I'm still working on my cockney gangster/bouncer accent and hope to put on 20 kilos to
get into character.

Duane. ("The Enforcer")

Know any Curators?

If you know any curators or have contacts with any MA curating courses then please reply to this posting with their names and your contact details. Hopefully together we can come up with a strong shortlist for our Nunnery show!

Interim show .

Went to the Nunnery space last night, and had a chat with other MA's about space. The view seemed to be that it is going to be quite a task to get 75 students equally represented. I reckon we are going to need a curator.
The space has 3 rooms .
Talking with Clive another painter, we thought it might be good to department work, so that each room has several sections, with the work of each section having a common link.
Regarding Jordan's list, I am quite happy to join 'Technical support', as my work outside of the college is as a gallery technician.
Adam Dix . (MA pt1)

Thursday, 22 November 2007

Action points from 9th November meeting

At the last meeting on the 9th of November is was decided that general meetings about the MA Show will be held less often and that instead each committee with meet up and work on the following points:

Website committee: Set up structure of the website and site-map

Sponsorship, Fundraising and Finance: Research Sponsors and begin contacting them, sort out a bank account (speak to tutors and Finance office)

Marketing and Publicity: Develop a campaign schedule, Set up Mailing List (organisations list & individual contacts list), Get publicity quotes.

Planning Committee: Meet with tutors about interim show, talks and seminar programme for external show, Free Range, draw up a list of external organisations we could link up with and possible external events that could take place.

Meeting with Kate James and Sarita Saggar (Marketing)

Hello all, here are some notes from a meeting that was held with Wimbledon's External Relations Officers on Friday 2nd November. Pippa

Office and telephone use:
External Relations have a free desk space and telephone in their office most afternoons. MA Show committee members can use this desk for making MA Show related telephone calls etc. The Office is behind the main reception desk.

Last year a designer was commissioned to design invitations that were used for the BA and MA shows. The University want to continue to have a link between the Foundation - BA - MA in all future publicity so as to develop a consistent and recognisable brand. A brief has just gone out to several designers to develop a two-year design for Wimbledon. This will be ready for the MA show invitations but possibly not for the interim show. External Relations are happy for us to develop our own design ideas for our website and for the interim show and also to compliment the official college invite for the MA Show. It will be possible for members of the MA Marketing and Design Committees to meet with the designer to discuss what we want from them. It may also be possible to sit in on the selection of the designer (this will happen in January when all the design bids are in).

During the show:
External Relations have looked at the idea of commissioning a professional map/floorplan of each show.
They usually recruit BA students to invigilate/signpost etc during the opening night.
They have spoken to the council about having footprints along the road from the station to the college as a way of signposting the exhibition. This was not received positively as there were concerns about local residents feelings.

Marketing is unable to fund our catalogue but they may be able to help in other ways e.g. postage of catalogue, proofreading etc.
If we have a really great PR proposal we can pitch it to Kate James (External Relations Manager) and if she is convinced by it she will endeavor to pitch it to UAL management and get more money for us.

Other exhibitions:
External Relations have been developing contacts with Wimbledon Coucil regarding disused buildings in Wimbledon that students could use for alternative exhibitions and theatre projects. Kate James has given Doug and Geraint information about this.

Cross-course promotion: there is a monthly e-briefing that the University sends out that we can include information on.
David Whittaker (head of Alumni at UAL) organises monthly Dover Street Talks for Arts London and if the MA contact him we may be able to give a talk one evening to Alumni of UAL etc about our work and the course.
We can include information on the event page of the Wimbledon and UAL websites.
Arts London - Student Newspaper. The journalists responsible for writing about stuff at Wimbledon are LCC students Brett Siegel and Eugena...
Mailing List: The mailing list can be used for the MA Show (Marketing will post things out) but not for the interim show (Kate James is happy for us to present a case for us using it to her) as this event has never been considered important enough to invite Wimbledon VIPs and Alumni to.
We can talk to the Head of Alumni about using the UAL Alumni mailing list too.

Opening Night:
Caretaker's fees are £36 per hour and so if we wanted to have the Opening later than 8.30pm we would need to source this money.
External Relations staff man the reception during the opening.

Several Banks have a certain amount of money put aside for student projects. ING are a big sponsor of student events.
Offer sponsors the opportunity of paying to hold a corporate event during the show.
Have a VIP event to raise money.

Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Mailing list


Is anyone in marketing compliling a mailing list? I think it would be a good idea if one person was responsile for this. I have quite a lot of emails and postal addresses.


Wednesday, 14 November 2007

firstly excuse me for my English.

Fund raising, Sponsorship, Finance committee!

we've started discussing about the interim show and the amount of many we need. Learn what financial support does the university can offer or the students union.
We've discussed that we have to approach some companies for products like beers, wine etc...
or supermarkets like Tesco for catering. and also for giving us some money. and then as an exchange of that we will place their logo on flyer and catalogue or at the entrance of the gallerie or either a banner in the entrance of the school.

We might go to Merton council for some money. this will offer them an opportunity for attraction to the area. Besides the university is in Merton. W e have to prepare proposals for that.

We can ask from art shops to supply us with somethings...

Another idea was to sell Christmas cakes or cards or any small objects. we can arrange for everybody to bring something.

We can ask for donations through advertisements.

One more thing is the bank account. we cannot open the account ourselves. the university needs to have the control so nobody can go their and withdraw the money.

If you have any more ideas or you know somebody that can sponsor us please inform the committee. Any names or telephone numbers company names etc...


Saturday, 10 November 2007


Attached are the notes from the last Publicity and Marketing meeting and an inital idea for a brand. This idea is for comments really - any other ideas would be great.

Notes from meeting
Initial Idea for brand

Key themes for this design (themes identified by Marketing commitee as being neccessary for this campaign):

Encourages familiarity due to simplicity
Strong brand
Embodies the college as a unit rather than any individual
Uses elements of the UAL brand to give the event the initial 'solidity' that's associated with UAL.
It's a 2 colour print. This reduces print costs over full colour artwork.
Most importantly it's something to get the ball rolling...!

Ben (Painting)

Friday, 9 November 2007