Monday 3 December 2007

Committee members list

Hello Folks,

Here is the list of who's on which committee. Please feel free to add or remove your name at any time. And sorry in advance for any typo-s.

Planning Comm:

Louise Yeandle
Pippa Koszerek
Will Bradley
Othman Abdullah
Justine Blau
Ray Murphy

Technical and Transport Comm:

Adam Dix
Duane Moyle
Faye Peacock
Will Bradley
Chris Shaw
Louise Yeandle

Funding and Events Comm:

Corine Felgate
Chrisanthy Christofarou

Marketing and Press Comm:

Jamie Taylor
Clive Brandon
Elani Skoulia
Ben Tate
Catalina Garces

Website Comm:

Helen Jacobs
Rhea O'Neill
Neil Eakupong Rungruangkul
Ray Murphy

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