Wednesday, 14 November 2007

firstly excuse me for my English.

Fund raising, Sponsorship, Finance committee!

we've started discussing about the interim show and the amount of many we need. Learn what financial support does the university can offer or the students union.
We've discussed that we have to approach some companies for products like beers, wine etc...
or supermarkets like Tesco for catering. and also for giving us some money. and then as an exchange of that we will place their logo on flyer and catalogue or at the entrance of the gallerie or either a banner in the entrance of the school.

We might go to Merton council for some money. this will offer them an opportunity for attraction to the area. Besides the university is in Merton. W e have to prepare proposals for that.

We can ask from art shops to supply us with somethings...

Another idea was to sell Christmas cakes or cards or any small objects. we can arrange for everybody to bring something.

We can ask for donations through advertisements.

One more thing is the bank account. we cannot open the account ourselves. the university needs to have the control so nobody can go their and withdraw the money.

If you have any more ideas or you know somebody that can sponsor us please inform the committee. Any names or telephone numbers company names etc...


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