Wednesday 20 February 2008

Technical Equipment

Hi Group One

It's very important that people sort out equipment by Friday. After we received everyone's proforma's and told Jordan about the amount of equipment we needed he insisted that it was too much and so we had a meeting a few weeks ago in which many of you agreed to downscale on your needs. Several people also offered to lend their own equipment.

Despite many people agreeing to downscale it seems that we have more people needing equipment than what we have available. It's quite late in the day and the committees don't have time to sort this out so please could you all agree amoung yourselves what you are using and then e-mail to let us know.
We have:
2 Projectors
3 Monitors
3 DVD players
1 Camera

If anyone has any equipment that they can lend out then please e-mail the group saying what you have. If anyone has their own projector or any speakers or amplifiers then please let us know.

Sunday 17 February 2008

Work MUST be at The Nunnery by Monday

All work needs to be at The Nunnery by the end of Monday in the week you are showing in order to successfully curate the exhibition.

For those who can't be there, that is ok, so long as the work is there. We will be transporting work by van on the Monday mornings each week. If you would like to put your work on the van, please leave it in the seminar space by 5pm on the previous Friday. Your work must be packed (so as not to be damaged, or damage other work) and labelled with your name.

Once the work has been situated at the Nunnery you can install it at your own convenience, or arrange for someone else to do it. We can stay as we want in the evenings.

If you have any problems, please talk to the Transport and Technical Committee.

Important Meeting Wednesday 20th February 12pm


With the Interim show imminent, we would like to have a final meeting with everyone participating on Wednesday 20th February at 12 o'clock lunchtime in the MA studios (the seminar space if it is free). It will be a quick meeting, but is particularly important for those showing in the first week, and those using technical equipment.

I know that many part-time students can't come in on a Wednesday, but if you have any technical requirements, questions, contributions etc, please let us know.

Also, it is very important that all the work is in The Nunnery on the Monday of each week. This is because in order to curate the show successfully we (as a group) need to see all the work, in order to see how it works within the space, and next to other people's work. The exhibition will be terrible if half the works are just plonked in at the last minute with no consideration to how they relate to anything else.

Kind Regards

The Planning Committee

Sunday 3 February 2008


Thursday 7th February
10am - 3pm
in the Canteen

(You are still welcome to drop some items in the flea market box, that can be found in the studio space)

Tuesday 29 January 2008


Friday 15 February 2008

3 Course Meal
£10 per person

At an undisclosed location in South London

To Book

You will receive a text with the location two days before the meal.

20 places available.

A monthly gathering at magnificently transformed student houses to fundraise for the Wimbledon MA Show

Submissions of performances, video works, DJ sets welcomed.

Sunday 27 January 2008



Last chance: for anyone having been unable to pay until now, please hand cash or cheque in on Friday the 1st February before or after Jason Bowman's presentation. Cheques to be addressed to Justine Blau
Please note that this is our FINAL deadline.

Fundraising committee is looking for some new members and time-to-time helpers for different fundraising activities.

Interested??? then please contact us on

We are currently looking for sponsors. Do you have a friend or relative working in a business, which would gain from supporting an exciting art event, such as our MA show?
Please email Justine on


Update from Transport and Technical Committee

The committee members are Louise, Duane, Faye, Adam and Chris.

We have asked Frank, Tim and Doug to drive the van to and from the Nunnery. We will confirm who is doing each trip etc on Wednesday, when the committee meet with Tim and Frank.

We are considering having security at the private view, and the possibility of paying an external security guard. Or a couple of people from the group who are not showing, could do it, however they would need to stay sober, and take it seriously.

We will try to borrow a set of tools from the sculpture technicians, but individual artists should be responsible for bringing what they require. We'll organise a ladder and table.

We think all wall-based work should be hung uniformly, but individuals need to think about the best way to hang there work, and provide the appropriate fixings, eg strap hangers, mirror plates etc. Those requiring plinths, stands etc, should aquire/make their own.

Adam has a Reno Espace, which is quite big, and he is happy to help those with studios in the East End to transport their work. Please organise this with him.

If anyone else has a car they can use, or will not need to put their work in the van, please inform the transport committee.

We'll get a visitors book.

We are planning to have a list of works which relates to a floor plan/numbers by the works.

We think we should have the title of the show on the wall in big writing or as a sign outside.