Sunday 13 January 2008

Update from 11 Jan Planning Meeting

Planning Committee Members:

Pippa - Planning Coordinator and Marketing liaison
Louise - Staff and Student liaison and Transport and
Technical liaison
Laura and Harriet - Live events
Ray - Website liaison
Justine - Fundraising liaison
Will - No specific role

Although most students don't know what they want to show yet, it was agreed that the Planning committee will need to start planning and advertising any live events or seminars. Health and Safety, access issues and considerations of works with audio, smell etc need to be taken into account. A Proforma will be sent out to students in relation to these questions.

Technical equipment. There is only a limited amount of technical equipment available from Sam, so planning or the technical committee will be in charge of booking all this out and then this will need to be divided up fairly between those students who want to show audio/video work.

Planning put together a timeline of jobs to be done. There are only six weeks until the set-up for the first show begins.

Fundraising, Website and Marketing committees all gave updates on how their work is going. Each committee will be updating the blog with their news. The design for the publicity is almost finalised and will be with Jordan by Monday 14 Jan.

The Postgraduate forums taking place during the interim show will be made open to the public as they are taking place during exhibition opening hours. They will be advertised on the MA Show website as Artists Talks and Open Forums.

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